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What preparations should be made before making a sand table model?

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What preparations should be made before making a sand table model?

Date of issue: 2021-12-01 Author: Click:

What preparations should be made before making a sand table model?

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife does not hurt the woodcutter, so does the making of sand table models. In the face of a new project, first of all, be ready. All the work is ready. It is very convenient to make. The efficiency will be improved a lot, and the model will be more perfect. The preparations mainly include the following three points:

1. Propose the intention and determine the sand table production company.

Before determining the model company, the person in charge should have a clear intention on the size, style and color of the sand table model to be produced, and then select a suitable model company according to the requirements. Generally speaking, experienced model manufacturing companies can control more diversified model types and styles, and the division of labor in the process will be more standardized and refined.

2. Provide information to determine needs.

After determining the model production company, the real estate director needs to conduct detailed negotiation and docking with the project manager of the model company, and the director should clarify the production requirements of the project model. Model style. The delivery date, determine the content of the required model, and provide drawings as detailed as possible, including: the general layout of the project, the building elevation, and the general aerial view. If the real estate principal is unable to determine the specific scale and size, the model company needs to provide proposal, and the principal needs to provide the floor plan of the sales office. The model company will recommend the specific size and scale of the model according to the plane space size of the sales office.

3. Track the production and propose adjustments.

After discussing the model production with the model company, the model company will start to arrange production: establish a project team. Hold production meeting. The draft model reviews the visual effect of the overall space. Fully implement the production details of each component and link in the model production. In the process of model production, the person in charge of the real estate company needs to keep in touch with the project manager of the model company, master the overall production background, put forward and adjust all problems encountered in the process of model production in time, and ensure that the production process is on the predetermined track.

 Chongqing sand table model making

Website: //ruitaihao.com.cn/news/664.html

key word: Sand table model making , Chongqing sand table model making

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