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What are the reasons for making the building model more intelligent

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What are the reasons for making the building model more intelligent

Date of issue: 2020-01-07 Author: Click:

   Building model It has always been an indispensable and important tool in real estate display. With the development of science and technology and technological innovation, the model has undergone significant changes in display mode and display effect. After the current model is combined with digital technology and multimedia technology, the display content and display effect are more satisfactory. In the past, it is difficult to see a model that integrates sound, light and image. Generally speaking, it is just the model itself. The innovation of digital technology makes modern building models interactive, and digital technology makes building models more intelligent.

 What are the reasons for making the building model more intelligent

Building models are very important for the display and sale of real estate. Intuitive image, which can fully display the characteristics of real estate in front of the audience. For example, in real estate sales, it is often used as a tool to talk with customers. Buyers only need to know the real estate information on the model, including architectural style, living environment, apartment design, traffic conditions, etc. As a means of expressing buildings or building groups, architectural models can effectively display various artistic forms and functions of modern architecture.

The application of digital technology makes the model making more and more exquisite. Combining the virtuality of digital content and the creativity of 3D animation, we can now see the layout of buildings in the digital model. In a small model, we can see the wardrobe, bed, desk, etc. perfectly. For the audience, this is a new display. You don't have to run around looking at the house. You just need to know everything in front of the model. It can be said that building models bring great convenience. With the development of technology, more electronic technologies will be added to the model in the future.

Website: //ruitaihao.com.cn/news/501.html

key word: Chongqing Building Model , Building model , Chongqing model making

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