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How to distinguish the quality of the sand table model of the building?

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How to distinguish the quality of the sand table model of the building?

Date of issue: 2022-02-09 Author: Click:

How to distinguish the sand table model of real estate construction

I believe that when you buy a house, you should be exposed to the real estate sand table. When you go to the sales department, you should first look at the sand table. Maybe for most of the friends who just came into contact with it, they should be a little confused. Today, they are brilliant Building model The small editor of the company will lead us to understand how to distinguish the sand table model of the building.

1. Look at the buildings. In other words, for buildings, attention should be paid to whether there are traces of polishing and joints at the structural splices of the buildings, and whether they are completely implemented according to the construction drawings or CAD.

2. Look at the color. Whether the color of each part of the building sand table model is painted completely according to the effect picture, and whether the color is biased. If individual buildings do not have renderings, the technicians of the sand table production company can be asked to color them according to their experience. Saiye Model Company is particularly experienced in this type of color, and the color is in line with the actual situation.

3. Look at the environment. Generally speaking, it is the greening on the building sand table model. Observe whether the greening style conforms to the local environment. If not, it cannot be called a good environment. For example, the building sand table model in the north is planted with coconut trees in the south, which is a bit different. The other thing is to see whether the green ring is simple, elegant, clean and tidy, which makes people feel comfortable. It depends on the level of detail in the process. It can't be rough.

4. Look at photoelectric, that is, lighting effect. The light mainly serves as a foil. Mainly investigate whether the layout of lights is reasonable. The lights in the residential area are usually thousands of lights, while the commercial buildings are brightly lit to set off the bustle of the commercial street. The environmental lights should form a tacit understanding with the greening.

5. Look at the base. The base is the base of the building sand table model. It depends on whether the matching between the base and the floor and wall of the exhibition hall or the sales office is harmonious, and whether it is of great quality.

 Fabrication of building sand table model

Website: //ruitaihao.com.cn/news/683.html

key word: Building sand table model , Fabrication of building sand table model

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